On this occasion, his Drosselmeier was an aristocrat who, though slightly aloof, seemed to be secretly and magically commanding the outcome of the plot.
She is wickedly smart, slightly aloof and emotionally vulnerable.
All that was missing was the high-end sparkle of the percussion and acoustic guitars, rendering the music slightly aloof.
Young American Bulldogs may be slightly aloof with strangers, but as they mature the breed's normal confidence should assert itself.
If she did resent it, she never gave any sign of it, treating Scarlett with the same slightly aloof, kindly courtesy she had always shown her.
He found him slightly aloof.
Sammy is slightly aloof, loves a gag and is Billy's best friend in the whole world.
Mr. Barbee, 43 years old, has the slightly aloof yet twinkling manner of a man perpetually amused by a private joke.
His best rhymes join menace with erudition, so he has always seemed stern and slightly aloof.
Accounts of McCool in his Somerset period portray him as a thoughtful but slightly aloof character.