If you like almost-seven-feet-tall, slightly bowlegged, hook-nosed guys with hairy chests and arms dressed up like the bride of the Valkyries.
"I'll leave you guys to play in the mud," Marino says, walking off slowlv, slightly bowlegged like a cowboy who just came in from a long, rough ride.
Appropriately enough, he also looked slightly bowlegged.
There was Roger King, who was brave and powerful (if not very tall, and slightly bowlegged), and who had once killed a dragon.
He was slightly bowlegged, but he walked as straight and tall as any man.
Of medium size, like Nero, Otho was slightly bowlegged and splayfooted, but he had a woman's concern for the rest of his appearance.
From the way the man was standing, slightly bowlegged, he guessed that he must have lost control in his sudden terror and fouled his dark serge breeches.
Sheffield is rangy at 5 feet 11 inches and 190 pounds, slightly bowlegged and calmly confident.
He was still becoming accustomed to breeches and puttees rather than a long galabiyya so his stance was slightly bowlegged.
Three men in a Cadence triathlon class returned from a ride slightly bowlegged with fatigue, hung their bikes over a rack and trotted outside to begin a half-hour run.