Traversing Iowa on Route 30 or Michigan on Route 12 felt quite comfortable, like taking a skiff across slightly choppy waters.
"Egg" emphasizes the ethereal spinning by allowing each frame to linger, giving the motion a blurred, slightly choppy feeling.
It was slightly choppy in the summer breeze.
This was like sailing on a boat in a slightly choppy sea-the miniature sea with the artificial waves that was part of the Game facilities.
Nevi finished the final attitude adjustment and settled onto the slightly choppy sea in a spot that he judged to be relatively clear of the kelp debris.
There's a big wave pool, called Surf City, where bathers can experience the exact sensation of jumping up and down in a slightly choppy sea.
The Hinckley Sou'wester jolted through the slightly choppy waters with enough force to make it necessary for Garrison to hold fast to the railing.
Superimposed on the slightly choppy water is a big flat orange flower.
Gradually the fog began to thin, giving way to slightly choppy water and mists, which were soon dispelled by a stiff breeze.
Turgid brown against slightly choppy jade.