Chop other half so that it is slightly chunky; reserve.
Before Mollie had a chance to speak to her, a slightly chunky dark-haired boy claimed her attention.
She was blond and on the slightly chunky side of curvy, with brown eyes and a hopeful expression.
Interestingly, it also works for those with slightly chunky thighs and chubby knees.
Add the cream, butter, salt and pepper and process for 20 to 30 seconds, until creamy but still slightly chunky.
Return potatoes and liquid to pan; mash with a potato masher until slightly chunky.
Overall, the neck has a slightly chunky feel, although not so big as to be restrictive for those who play with a more classical style.
The best texture for tapenade is slightly chunky, not creamy.
When soft, remove bay leaf, transfer remaining ingredients to food processor or blender, and puree until slightly chunky.
Add the remaining ingredients, except the lime juice, and mix together lightly, so that the mixture is slightly chunky.