For example, if a task that needs to be completed but it is slightly complicated it may be necessary to rely upon input from an expert.
The position is slightly complicated by the question what constitutes a 'press' company.
The seasons are slightly complicated by having two monsoons.
The task of producing a similarly "correct" term for a traditional vibrato unit is slightly complicated by two factors:
Although slightly complicated by the intrusion of Jamie's sister, Sophie, the preparation goes smoothly.
To understand and predict the behavior of the MR fluid it is necessary to model the fluid mathematically, a task slightly complicated by the varying material properties (such as yield stress).
This arrangement is slightly complicated by a second love triangle, involving Rowan, Hand, and Hand's cousin Beatrice Justice.
The matter is slightly complicated by the fact that every tackle has a working end where the final run of rope leaves the last sheave.
The business was slightly complicated by the fact that he was actually wearing a kind of helmet, which appeared to be made of several thicknesses of tough leather.
This translation is slightly complicated by languages which allow a statement to jump to the next iteration of the loop (such as the "continue" statement in C).