Noting the relatively small amount of supplies remaining, Zifnab appeared slightly crestfallen, also extremely hungry.
"No matter," said Poirot, looking slightly crestfallen.
Xy looked slightly crestfallen.
Earwig appeared slightly crestfallen, but cheered up again.
Not bothering to rise off the unpadded bunk, he appraised the pair critically, a slightly crestfallen look passing across his features when he considered Mait.
When the American wife finally arrives outside that cat is gone, and, slightly crestfallen, she returns to the room alone.
"Of course," replied the captain, slightly crestfallen.
Perhaps it was the slightly crestfallen look of his friend Juraviel that tipped him to the truth of his own thoughts.
Our plans were suddenly and completely upset, and not knowing which way to turn, Sponsilier and I, slightly crestfallen, accompanied the guards.
"Very well, Kildar," the girl said, slightly crestfallen.