Rhoad was tall, skinny, slightly cross-eyed and close to sixty.
"Glch", said Ruaidh, focusing a slightly cross-eyed look on his grandfather's shirt button, which he began to mouth in a meditative fashion.
Today, Michael is a cheerful child, with a bowl haircut, a lopsided smile and a slightly cross-eyed gaze.
Ryoh is slightly cross-eyed, which add charm for her.
But even without the title, the stoic, slightly cross-eyed stare communicated by the first house's heavy-lidded windows says it all.
After a moment, however, a slightly cross-eyed young Master countered, 'But this is inconsistent, Master Eremis.
He gave me an amorous and slightly cross-eyed gaze and then hooked his thumbs into his trunks and lowered them to show an inch or two of backside.
He looks surprised and slightly cross-eyed.
The headlights, slightly cross-eyed, threw wild shadows behind wind-stirred pines and granite boulders with edges as sharp as butcher's knives.
Mr. Malkovich, who speaks in the soft, halting voice of a man-child, moves through the film with a blankly questioning, slightly cross-eyed stare.