Around their waists, their shirts and trousers were slightly discolored.
The girl's teeth were only slightly discolored.
Bull Martin's right eye was slightly discolored and growing a richer black every second.
The tips of the fingers were, she saw now, slightly discolored, whitish.
Her teeth were straight and square, but slightly discolored, perhaps the result of illness or poor nutrition in her youth.
Officers began tearing through the basement's floor on Tuesday night after noticing that one part was slightly discolored.
However, if they are simply soiled or slightly discolored, you may be able to clean them.
The target rune appeared slightly discolored once the glare waned.
Officers began tearing through the basement's concrete floor after noticing that one stretch was slightly discolored.
He took a quick look at his sabre, but it seemed undamaged by the Talent-bolt, if slightly discolored.