He had the look of a slightly disreputable but appealing young man coupled with boyish innocence down to perfection.
As a result, most of the Sappers had been sold off at rock-bottom prices to all sorts of slightly disreputable organizations and people.
With their long hair and short white coats they looked like a gaggle of slightly disreputable bridesmaids.
It seems an extraordinary, even a slightly disreputable, thing to do.
Roadhouses have a slightly disreputable image similar to honky tonks.
Moreover, certain recent scandals had made attorneys slightly disreputable in the public eye.
Travel, except on government business, was slightly disreputable on Planet Voerster.
Nathan's slightly disreputable father, Buster, is a florist by trade.
He was once more residing at Winchester in 1683 when Charles came to the city with his slightly disreputable court.
And it felt slightly disreputable, and intriguing, like a gypsy encampment.