Sporos's twingling was slightly dissonant.
The show's earliest works are layered, atmospheric arrangements of simple, soft-edged forms in rich, slightly dissonant colors; they call to mind Rothko and Guston.
Moore's heavier gestures, couched in slightly dissonant and dour skirtings of traditional harmony, are not shown at their best in this production.
The strings topped the band with hovering, slightly dissonant chords, and Amina's members also played glockenspiel and vibraphone, making the music twinkle.
A case in point was Ellen McLaughlin's plaintive, slightly dissonant ballad, "Cassandra Song."
(In my estimation he's got it himself: he has a hard, dry touch, and lean, slightly dissonant harmonies.)
Beautiful and elegant yet at times slightly dissonant as well....
Marking a serious departure in the expected technique developed previously, Chopin wrote this étude with a series of quick minor seconds that produce slightly dissonant sounds.
Adagio affettuoso, with the cello part opening in a slightly dissonant pizzicato exposition of the main theme over piano chords.
His "Rice Paddy, Korea" is indistinguishable from many other pictures of bucolic green fields, despite slightly dissonant metal guard rails in the foreground.