Usually I would be marching briskly through these slightly dodgy streets, on my way to the latest designer restaurant or bar, but the Solares were making me linger at the most unlikely spots.
The American version of the popular film attempted to stay close to the original script but sadly failed to be playable due to slightly dodgy design.
Apparently, La Mettrie expired from the effects of indigestion caused by eating a huge amount of slightly dodgy truffle pâté.
Do you not think there is something slightly dodgy about a party changing the rules for an election so that they get a more favourable result?
Songkhla's liveliest town is a fun, if slightly dodgy, place with a bit of a buzz to it.
Fourthly, the school and the Guardian seem to be proud to encourage slightly dodgy business practices and to turn our youth into 'Del' boys and girls.
Is there something slightly dodgy about their eyes?
The second innings saw a superb partnership of 98 from Hick and Smith that solidified a slightly dodgy start that saw Walsh strike under gloomy grey skies.
Up a slightly dodgy looking sidestreet this is sleek and fun and the food is great.
Well even allowing for the up-and-down bounce of that slightly dodgy pitch, that was rubbish.