Shrimp curry may seem slightly exotic to me, but my mother would certainly not agree.
My friends would look at me, amused, as if I were an intriguing, slightly exotic being, just off the boat from Burma.
She gave the impression of being aloof, mysterious, and slightly exotic.
Her beauty, which has always had a slightly exotic hue, today seems ordinary - except when she smiles.
And with Asian seasonings, they become slightly exotic and really delicious.
If you happen to be foreign and therefore slightly exotic, you are inspected with more than usual interest.
Her slightly exotic looks and British accent set her apart from most of her colleagues.
To give the fritters a slightly exotic flavor, I added a touch of ground cumin.
They might be any American troupe embarking on some slightly exotic tour except that, unlike the stereotype, these dancers are black.
She had even used eyeliner to give herself what she thought was a slightly exotic look.