The inflorescence is a terminal panicle, bearing small, slightly fragrant, bisexual flowers.
The taste of the flesh is reportedly mild, and the odor indistinct, or "slightly fragrant".
The flowers are bright deep yellow, and are slightly fragrant.
The slightly fragrant white flowers emerge from a tall stalk that bolts from the base.
Last June, the same branches were decked with five-inch-long, slightly fragrant, drooping clusters of white flowers.
The flowers are slightly fragrant, and cut branches respond to forcing in the same way as other forsythias.
If you are longing for a dark purple single type, try Ruhm von Horstenstein, which is slightly fragrant.
Basil adds a fresh, slightly fragrant flavor to the sweetness of the watermelon, and this recipe is best used to cool down hot-off-the-grill dishes.
They are slightly fragrant and have yellow or orange-yellow petals.
He was not prepared for casual activity, nor for the clean, slightly fragrant smell in the air.