The flavor - salty, sweet, nutty, slightly funky - was as complex as a mature pinot noir.
Still, a general lack of warmth and slightly funky smell in the hall kept it from evoking the Ethan Allen catalogue.
After one full sequence, it merges into a new, slightly funky section in 4/4 that lasts for a minute and a half.
The slightly funky bar serves appealing snacks like lobster rolls, onion rings and Philadelphia cheese steaks.
I'd like to have some slightly funky things that don't necessarily have a designer's name attached to them.
The slightly funky little movement "is for the conductor, not for the customers," Mr. Garden said.
It's an intriguing dish, full flavored, slightly funky, richly textured.
Mr. Robins, ensconced in a slightly funky restaurant and cooking for a downtown audience, never pulls his punches.
He serves his elegant food in a small and slightly funky restaurant dominated by the bar (Reichl).
Fillet can sometimes have a slightly funky, gamy flavor, and salting gets rid of it.