Cheri tried to explain to the slightly inebriated party-goers that their pet ferret had escaped and that they needed to catch him before he ended up as dog food.
The only form of dance extant--and that only at the rarest intervals--was a sort of polka not unlike the movements of a slightly inebriated boxing kangaroo.
At dusk a slightly inebriated young widow was complaining loudly that she was lonely and alone in drinking places around the Kitano shrine: the site of several earlier reported disappearances of young women.
At one point, an ebullient and slightly inebriated Al Hibbet turned to Zavala and said, "It's a shame Kurt can't be here.
It was all routine-even Duncan's babbling and slightly inebriated manner was the regular thing in the circumstances.
As Alexi stood in the hallway, a group of slightly inebriated businessmen made an appearance from a room farther down the corridor.
Thankfully, the slightly inebriated sensation was fading.
I wanted them to think that a slightly inebriated guest was leaving early.
"I'm driving," I told my slightly inebriated friend.
Zyo was also aware of Alt's slightly inebriated state, but he seemed to be enjoying it as much as Pike.