Eddie took a look at the gunslinger's slightly lowered face and gri-maced.
Coaching actually seemed to have slightly lowered scores on the reading part of the ACT.
It is also fairly common to have nausea, vomiting, or a slightly lowered body temperature.
It also slows down the tempo of music with slightly lowered notes and a sad tone.
She'd come to recognize the slightly lowered head and glazed eyes that accompanied Eric's bouts of intense concentration.
"An infamous thing to have done," he said, in a slightly lowered tone.
In addition to a few a la carte items with slightly lowered tabs, a limited prix fixe, three-course dinner is offered for $14.95.
The piece consists of a slightly lowered ceiling made of lightweight, translucent plastic in which three four-inch holes have been randomly cut.
When she did, there was something of the street-corner gossip in her slightly lowered voice; whatever came next was to be a secret between them.
Yet Graham kept the bank in business nearly two decades, with slightly lowered standards for donors.