The dominant method made use of a microlens array, wherein each micro-lens caused a slightly magnified image of the pixel behind it, filling in the previously-visible spaces between pixels.
He presses his skinned knee underneath the glass table where he is eating, so that it is slightly magnified, and studies it with open-mouthed fascination.
In the resulting acoustic image, shown above slightly magnified, the red areas are voids (defects) in the die attach material.
His eyes, behind the gold-rimmed glasses, were flat and slightly magnified.
Since there is only one screen, you lose depth perception, and the image is slightly magnified so it's hard to judge distances, but the unit does what's advertised.
He had passed a large variety store, Bonn's equivalent of an American five-and-dime, and he knew that there would be a counter with glasses of different sizes and shapes, a few slightly magnified for reading, others clear.
The screen was slightly magnified to improve the size of the gameplay.
The clarity of detail gives them the exactitude of folk art figures without the distortions, while their slightly magnified size makes their details more available to the human eye than those of actual heads.
Richard looked at him very openly, his eyes slightly magnified by the glasses he had begun to wear four months earlier.
In the tank, her own image appeared, slightly magnified.