Fortier was eager, yet slightly melancholy; such was to be expected.
Denby the divorcing husband was a cautious, slightly melancholy optimist.
At times, it even feels full-bodied and slightly melancholy.
Novels of manners, they are arch, proper and slightly melancholy - very Mitteleuropa.
Vetch headed for the kitchen court, feeling slightly melancholy.
To the child, Mark Rothko "was just a nice, slightly melancholy painter friend of my father's."
Whereas this guy's a slightly melancholy, fleshy person.
The record is slightly melancholy, and parts of it made me sad when I first listened to it all the way through.
I know that when people talk about their reliance on TV, even in this practical way, it always sounds slightly melancholy.
After weeks of holiday madness, I could appreciate this place as a peaceful, if slightly melancholy, retreat.