Asked if she thought there was something slightly pathetic about this lobby lounge act, Lonnie shrugged.
Mr. Kovalyov, who just recently cut a slightly pathetic figure, seems aware of how war has changed his stature.
So does the fact that the F.B.I. had to issue those slightly pathetic pleas for Arabic and Pashto translators in the days after the attacks.
Odd, rambling and slightly pathetic interview with Stephen Twigg in Indy.
Blimey there is a a degree of cynicism on these pages that is saddening and slightly pathetic.
The spectators, despite their blood ties to team members, must have found the whole scene slightly pathetic.
It doesn't make you look big or hard, just slightly pathetic.
Instead, it is just like life: messy, incomplete, contradictory and slightly pathetic.
There is no need to over-play the slightly pathetic quality but seek out the eagerness of his search for something to do.
Slightly pathetic.