In this region it is rare to encounter risotto less than creamy, each grain a glossy, proud individual, slightly resistant to the tooth, yet tender.
At its best, marinated fish should be luscious and slightly resistant to the tooth but never chewy.
They should be creamy with a slightly resistant core.
By the time all the stock has been added, the rice should be al dente - slightly resistant to the bite.
When cooked, the grains should have reached just the point of softness while retaining their shape and should be creamy with a slightly resistant core.
Roy Buckner, however, got TB in the 1950's from his father, who contracted a slightly resistant strain during the Korean War and died of it after returning home.
In a pot of lightly salted boiling water, cook the potatoes for 10 minutes or until slightly resistant when pierced with a knife.
Add the carrots to the boiling water and cook for four minutes or until slightly resistant when pierced with a knife.
The meat should feel slightly resistant when pressed with a finger.
They should be creamy, with a slightly resistant core and should not stick together or to the bottom of the pan.