A slightly sardonic gleam of amusement flickered in his eyes.
Another steward appeared, his hands empty, a slightly sardonic smile on his face.
He emerged from the cup to find Claire watching him, slightly sardonic.
Mairphy shook his head, brown eyes slightly sardonic.
Early entries about Modigliani are all written in this playful, slightly sardonic tone.
"This is what we all have been waiting for - a seventh game," said Rodgers in a slightly sardonic tone.
There was no mistaking that slow, slightly sardonic Memphis drawl, either.
"If your people are assembling, it is presumably to some purpose," Jamie pointed out, a slightly sardonic tone to his voice.
Malik asked, his smile looking slightly sardonic now.
Bill raised his half-empty cup and with a slightly sardonic smile said, "Put a head on it, please."