It was slightly scorched around the cover, but miraculously unharmed.
X Without his prompting, a Salamander manifested, darted to the floor, and retrieved it, returning it to the desk only slightly scorched.
The end of the barrel was slightly scorched, because it had just finished double duty as a model for the mold and been left a bit too close to a furnace afterward.
The child was only slightly scorched, but the escape was narrow enough.
The blue cover of the diary with the year clearly printed had been more resistant to the flames; one corner only was slightly scorched.
She smoothed back her slightly scorched and tangled brown hair and stepped across the formidable line.
The outside of the windows and doors remain slightly scorched.
Breathing heavily, slightly scorched, he lay on his side on a litter made of an old silk scarf carried by twelve mice wearing multicolored frock coats, breeches, and tricorn hats.
The soles which you are at this moment presenting to me are slightly scorched.
When at length he paused, Garth carefully drew forth and lit a fresh torch from the glowing stump he held, licking at his hand where it had been slightly scorched by the flame.