It looks slightly scruffy from outside, but the deceptively simple dishes on the brief, daily-rotated menu are loaded with flavour.
He was the epitome of the dashing, flamboyant, slightly scruffy Bomber Pilot.
On the contrary, he is a slightly scruffy scrapmaster, a no-nonsense guy who lives in homes he fashioned from found parts.
It is also dark, casual and slightly scruffy.
Medium height, nondescript, in a slightly scruffy suit, but with a kind of intensity around the eyes.
A little old hotel with slightly scruffy charm, across the street from the Hotel de Ville, the City Hall.
She came over, kissed his slightly scruffy cheek, and bolted for the stairs.
This small hotel in a slightly scruffy area near the train station has long catered to the actors, dancers and opera singers who come here to perform.
He was smartly dressed in a suit and tie but there was something about Devlin that made even the best tailored clothes look slightly scruffy.
It was an earnest, slightly scruffy crowd, everyone gazing at Professor Sándor.