Goulash urged, slightly singeing the hair on Pepsi's right big toe.
Though slightly singed at the edges, three portobello mushroom brochettes ($4.50), sprinkled with herb-infused oil and diced tomatoes, were tasty.
They were soaked and muddy, but only slightly singed.
Both men again stood facing each other on the outer wall, neither actually hurt, but Boquillas' fine robes looked slightly singed.
Fiben cursed as a particularly near miss left one toe slightly singed.
It is lined spiral notebook paper, slightly singed and dripping beer, covered with handwriting.
She felt flushed, her skin slightly singed from being so near the preternatural heat.
The ensuing explosion slightly singed the fleeing pilot.
On 8 August, he was shot down in flames; slightly singed, he flew another combat patrol that very afternoon by his own request.
Let it hang out a bit, as it will singe slightly, giving an extra flavour to the dish.