Jones embraces the dripping Kravic in a bear hug, slightly soiling his nice clothes in the process.
His gloves-now slightly soiled by touching the limousine's door openers-were otherwise so perfectly white that he must have changed them for each arrival.
But even tired, and slightly soiled and rumpled, she was a very good-looking woman, and normally I'd have been happy to meet her.
This display of womanly charms for the purpose of inflaming Bruli had left her feeling slightly soiled.
He has a sense of having lost his dignity and feels slightly soiled by the waxy, cold feel of the skin.
Sallah looked away, feeling slightly soiled.
I now feel slightly soiled.
Not all are good quality, however, with some prints faded or slightly soiled.
The lighting designer, Beverly Emmons, actually makes the air itself look thick and slightly soiled.
If he cannot have life on his own terms, he will take it dented, slightly soiled or marked down.