Her cheeks tinted slightly at that but her gaze remained just as frank.
Did they live together)" Grace's cheeks tinted slightly.
However, the colour was tinted slightly in the new Parliament House (opened 1988) to suggest the colour of eucalyptus trees.
Grace's cheeks tinted slightly.
Underside: brownish-fulvous black; markings similar, larger, their edges diffuse and all of a silvery white, slightly tinted with pale green.
In the darkness, tinted slightly by a seepage of NO VACANCY neon, she walked to the window.
Her cheeks tinted slightly.
Her hair was a sun-bleached brown, shoulder length; her lips were full and slightly tinted, kissable; her eyes were green be- hind long lashes.
Sealants can be clear, white, or slightly tinted, and usually are not seen when a child talks or smiles.
The upperside is chalky-white, slightly tinted in some specimens with green.