It lies in a sump that is slightly undulating interspersed with low rocky hills.
It has a slightly undulating topography.
The topography is slightly undulating, allowing an excellent view of the ocean.
The floor is distinguished only by a pair of small craterlets and a slightly undulating surface.
As she approached the tree, she saw the trout with its head into the current, undulating slightly to maintain itself in its place under the root.
The relief of the territory is a slightly undulating plain.
It is only a little village, composed of about twenty houses, grouped on a slightly undulating bank, formed of ocherous earth and clay.
It has a slightly undulating surface, reaching the 156 meters at its highest point.
The project concentrated traffic along three sides and created a slightly undulating public space with granite paving.
As a result, the polished side becomes slightly undulating, where the resin is lower than the pebbles that come to the surface.