The meat was pink with flecks of white and slightly viscous to the touch.
In a short time, the water becomes slightly viscous, then thick and syrupy.
The liquid was a rich purplish black, and looked slightly viscous, now that it had cooled.
A slender bottle containing a clear, slightly viscous fluid.
Thin the sauce with water if necessary; it should be slightly viscous but still capable of being poured in an even stream.
To make chwee kueh, rice flour and water are mixed together to form a slightly viscous mixture.
In fluid mechanics, the properties of a slightly viscous fluid are dramatically different outside and inside a narrow boundary layer.
He oozed up the overhanging rock like slightly viscous oil.
I loved the smooth, slightly viscous texture and the purity of flavors.
Large soft lumps of carrots bob around in the sweet, slightly viscous broth.