After sending its wheeled transport back to Ghoraniyeh bridgehead, the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance with their camels and horses made the journey on foot through the hills up the Jisr ed Damieh to Es Salt road, which went along the edges of very steep and in parts very slippery cliffs.
But the very end climb, we got a lucky path although we were on some slippery steep cliffs, no ropes, just grabbing onto thin grass here and there.
Montgomery personally led the march to the Lower Town, as they descended the steep slippery cliffs outside the city walls.
They picked their steps away from the skirts of the cliff, among a wilderness of boulders and rough stones, wet and slippery with the heavy rain.
Our lead climber must negotiate this slippery cliff in a blinding snowstorm of uncertainty about which medical and surgical procedures truly affect the medical outcome for patients.
The fight culminates with Vinod, Aadhi and Divya teetering at the edge of a slippery cliff.
You re taken by the woods even though you re aware of the slippery cliffs and the big black bears and the sala...
The Ranger school also includes training sessions in the blazing plains of Texas near Fort Bliss and the Georgia mountains and its slippery cliffs around Dahlonega.