He felt his hands trembling on the dank, slippery edge of the bulwark.
Often, it was impossible to tell where the slippery, weather-eroded edge of the pla-teau lay.
He reported a problem with sharp, slippery edges on his skis.
Fighting back the slippery edge of fear, Roarke fisted his hands in his pockets.
The mobleader had suddenly remembered the vat whose slippery edge was level with the stone floor.
Dorgan's men were now between The Shadow and the slippery edge of the acid vat.
"There's a good one," said Dolores, striding to the slippery edge of a brackish pool.
The Shadow swam under the mossy, slippery edge of the wooden barrier.
Most bathers, of course, are far from famous, though some, like the stars of the Yiddish theater, approach celebrity's slippery edge.
He clawed with his fingers at the slippery edge of the ice.