It has a sandy bottom, five shallow steps on three sides, a concrete ramp and a slippery slide.
Only this slippery slide was different; it was enclosed, tunnel-like.
Climb net ladders, slide down slippery slides and blast your friends with water cannons.
The next best ride is the Bonzai, a long, slippery slide with great turns throughout.
The other trap door opened on to a chute, a kind of slippery slide by which human bodies were dropped into that basement.
This trail is also dangerous because of the poor markings and steep, slippery slides that streams have formed on.
They'd have to lay some log steps here before winter, else it would be a regular slippery slide.
It was only when it began to be associated exclusively with women that gossip began its slippery slide into the gutter.
The slippery slide had fallen over and Jay with its legs sticking stiff y out, like a dead antelope.
Paragraph 24 of the Bourlanges report contains specific and unambiguous proposals to check this slippery slide.