Many slopes in Eridania contain gullies, which are believed to be caused by flowing water.
The easternmost slopes contain bur oaks, the only natural occurrence of oak trees in Saskatchewan.
This continental slope contains rich fishing grounds and numerous coral reefs.
Many steep slopes in this quadrangle contain gullies, which are believed to have formed by relatively recent flows of water.
The lower slope, showing a few bushes and trees at random, contains a scattering of perhaps a dozen small cots, or hovels.
Due to the recent high demand of coffee beans, the slopes contain more coffee plantations than ever.
Its slopes contain many fumaroles, hot springs and geysers.
The upper drier slopes carry ancient woodland, and also contain Quercus robur.
If pools form along a gutter's length, the slope may contain dips.
The lower slopes in the vicinity of the lagoon contain extensive urban development.