It sloped gradually and a tiny stream flowed in the direction Flower had gone to fetch the water.
The cliff gradually sloped away from the mouth of the river to the point.
A roof can be formed by gradually sloping the walls inward to construct a dome.
The land gradually sloped upward, and they began to notice a subtle shift in the vegetation.
The land ahead of them gradually sloped upward until it seemed they were climbing into the hard blue sky.
He did, however, take note of the fact that their path sloped gradually but definitely downward.
He returned with the information that gradually sloping green meadows offered a better chance for attack at the Austrian rear.
The Masikryong Mountains pass through the county, which slopes downward gradually to the west.
The hill sloped gradually as it paralleled the Sound, and gave way to sandy shore.
There is a walkway that gradually slopes into the pool, making it easy for disabled children to get in.