The power which Verement had placed there threw down the sloped sides of the defile.
And how do you make sure the sloped sides of a highway don't wash out after 20 years of high winds?
Contestants who fall off the fin onto the carousel rarely can avoid sliding down the sloped sides and into the water below.
"Get the bloody throttlel" McCarter yelled at James as he scrambled up over the sloped side of the turret.
The sloped side of the mountain is covered with luxuriant vegetation, including oak, pine, olive, and laurel trees.
Although its sloped sides suggest otherwise, the Quad was not armoured.
Mk II (7 built) - single tires, turret cupola with sloped sides.
Sankt Jørgens Sø has a depth of 4-5 metres with sloped sides.
West of the building on the south side is a large ball court with sloped sides and sculpted friezes depicting the god Quetzalcoatl.
Paintballs roll down the sloped sides, through the tube and into the marker.