Will the sloppily dressed, irreverent good guys find a way to get Parkyn back?
He was sloppily dressed, a bit bleary of eye, a tremor in his hands.
Sloppily dressed, I stood at the door.
"It would be an insult to the Queen if I attended sloppily dressed."
Does your com- manding officer approve of his men appearing before me sloppily dressed?
He is bright, small, with dark hair and glasses, cleanshaven, and casually but not sloppily dressed.
The sheriff stood talking with a tall, thin, sloppily dressed young man.
In the 1987 film "Creepshow 2," she played a sloppily dressed housewife who gets murdered.
Sloppily dressed in a denim jacket and hoisting - what else?
"Students generally come to class dressed sloppily," he said.