But they have yet to prove that their efforts have improved abuse investigations, and several recent child abuse cases suggest that some city caseworkers continue to conduct sloppy investigations.
At the same time overburdened workers have been unable to do their jobs properly, resulting in sloppy investigations of abuse, failure to arrange adoptions and poor supervision of troubled families.
The incident resulted in the deaths of 8 Hindus, and has come to symbolize the carnage, security mismanagement, and sloppy investigation during the 1985 Ahmedabad violence.
It might have been a sloppy investigation, one highly unworthy of a Dark Knight of his age and skill.
But Mr. Nichols's lead lawyer, Michael E. Tigar, said the Government's case was based on dishonest witnesses, sloppy investigation and misleading circumstantial evidence.
A defense lawyer countered that the Government's case was based on dishonest witnesses, sloppy investigation and misleading circumstantial evidence.
An additional 22 employees face disciplinary action for sloppy investigations that may have contributed to the deaths of six children and the abuse of two others.
"This is all part of the sloppy investigation that has been taking place," Mr. Figeroux said.
Given the worthiness of Carlotta's crusade, one tries and tries to share her anger, or at least to follow her sloppy investigation.
Two years later, however, a team of experts found that agency in disarray, riddled with the problems of old, including sloppy and tardy investigations.