Global dimming is the slow decrease in the irradiance at the Earth's surface.
The slow decrease in the working class goes against the trend for a steeper national decline, reinforcing the perception of Wigan as a working class town.
The opening of this new stage led to the end of the dominance of San Giovanni, which saw a slow decrease in performance.
Although the population of the municipality has remained relatively stable, it has seen a slow decrease over the years.
The slow decrease of the fluorescence intensity at later times can be caused, in addition to other processes, also by non-photochemical quenching.
Population of Šavnik and entire municipality is since in slow but steady decrease.
The succeeding devastation of the country by military actions began the slow decrease of the Upper Sorbian language.
This slow decrease is masked by large year-to-year variations caused by Antarctic stratosphere weather fluctuations.
"There has been a slow but steady decrease in the hospitals, and that will continue," Mr. Arrick said.
It consists of a brief speed-up in heart rate, followed by a slow decrease back to the baseline rate.