He started with something familiar, playing a slow dirge, trying to match his notes to the songs he'd heard in the recordings.
The bells had ended the Te Deurn and began to play a slow dirge.
The song is a slow funeral dirge, mournfully telling the story of Clark Kent/Superman, as if he had recently died.
He moans, and from the corner of his eye sees the baby staring at him, his heart beating like a slow blue dirge.
When you have a funeral procession, the people are doing more of a slow dirge.
It is a slow, eerie dirge featuring distorted, lo-fi guitars and drums, with influence from lo-fi bands such as Pavement.
Her life was a tragedy: a slow dirge relentlessly playing between Lillis's death and her own.
As the procession passed, priests chanted in ancient Greek, brass bands played slow dirges, incense filled the air and congregants marched solemnly, holding tall candles.
It starts like a slow dirge with a Ringo like vocal.
Behind him came a few dozen people, young and old, parents and children, all but the babes in arms chanting a slow and mournful dirge.