Eventually, a slow, steady drumbeat materialized, and a few keyboard notes turned into a melody, which never returned.
A slow drumbeat rolled across the space between the two forces... long and dull, and the tone seemed to freeze the day for a moment.
I pretended to study the platform in front while I concentrated on the slow steady drumbeat that filled the place.
A drumbeat, slow as the beating of her own heart, throbbed in the air.
Armor-clad captains from each contrada march into the Campo to a slow military drumbeat.
From the crowd came a slow drumbeat, then a low, insistent chanting.
He paused, and when he continued, the words were like slow drumbeats, measured and powerful.
He could hear his own heartbeat now, loud in his ears, like the slow drumbeat at a funeral.
The Darkness rolled on towards them while from within the cloud came the sound of a slow drumbeat, impossibly loud, like controlled thunder.
A slow drumbeat rolled across the space between the two forces.