The drum beat like a slow heart, keeping the oar-stroke, for there was no breath of wind.
The sound was like the beating of a great slow heart, and the oars moved at every stroke, a hundred men pulling as one.
However, they can have severe itching and a slow heart rate.
Ay, I would I were deaf; it makes me have a slow heart.
The improvement is often striking, and can be accompanied with severe itching and a slow heart rate.
But if that is where his slow heart beats or where his head rests, I cannot say.
Very slow heart rate (less than 50 beats per minute).
The only sound left was the beating of my heart, slow and heavy, rumbling like a drum being beaten at the bottom of a ravine.
Relaxation can also lower muscle tension, blood pressure and slow heart and breath rates, among other health benefits.
The boom of artillery was regular now, as the gun-crews fell into their rhythm, thumping like a huge, slow heart in the distance.