The rate of decline has slowed significantly in recent years.
Although the city is still growing, its growth rate has slowed in recent years due to the economic recession and high home foreclosure rates.
Population growth has slowed considerably in recent years, growing only slightly between the 2001 and 2011 census.
Several businesses have opened in the downtown area, but development has slowed in recent years.
Progress in this area has been slowed in recent years.
These projections take into consideration that population growth has slowed in recent years as women are having fewer children.
While all three publications are clearly dominant, their growth has slowed in recent years compared with the computer magazine sector as a whole.
The evidence is yet to be provided, as sightings have slowed in recent years.
If the show goes ahead, it could provide a major new product for the state lotteries, whose revenue growth has slowed in recent years.
Growth rates of haddock, however, had slowed in recent years.