At the end of a slow, deep inhalation he spoke through clenched teeth.
The coach's pained look and slow inhalation typify his response to standard Sonic skepticism.
He released his grip and forced a slow inhalation, relaxing his muscles.
He halted to watch as Abel sucked down huge, slow inhalations of mountain air, both eyes open.
Trigger the inhaler at the beginning of a very slow inhalation.
After a short time and a slow inhalation, the practitioner takes a seated position.
A slow inhalation filled his chest as he imagined his arms drifting slowly apart.
Finding his balance firmly, with both hands on the surface at his waist, he made one more slow inhalation, and closed his eyes.
He took his time replacing the air it had cost, in a long slow perfectly controlled inhalation.
He tells us to focus our full attention on our breathing, counting each slow inhalation and exhalation.