Arya began to speak in a slow monotone, first of her capture and then of her long imprisonment and torture in Gil'ead.
His lips barely move as he rumbles along in a slow, deep monotone.
Unable to meet Kelly's gaze, he began to speak in a slow, unbroken monotone.
He appeared in no hurry to speak, but when he did, it was in a slow, uniform monotone.
In the album format, fado can feel slow and emotionally monotone - what was romantic becomes downright depressing after 10 songs.
It went on and on in a slow monotone, making my skin crawl and my stomach turn.
"The - suspense - is - too - much," said Christopher in a slow monotone that made the Manchurian Candidate seem animated.
Cranston spoke in slow, emphatic monotone, staring directly at Legira.
The girl spoke in English, not with singsong pitch but in a slow monotone: "My name is Lana Luan."
"What," said Spammy in a slow monotone, "do you mean it's actually possible for us to look mair guilty than we do already?"