It is a short work, with a fine slow movement.
In the last 10 or 20 years, there's been very slow movement.
He kept the conversation going and again began a slow movement toward the water.
At the end of the slow movement, the work seemed to be left hanging.
With a stiff, slow movement he put the picture back.
There was a long silence inside the room, and finally a slow movement.
You might have thought that the work began with two slow movements.
I like this piece trailing away with a slow movement.
Each one is in three movements, with a slow movement between two faster ones.
It is a piece that lives for its slow movements, of which there are three.
They work, in part, by slowing the movement of food through the stomach.
I was panting, trying to slow the movement of my body.
They limit or slow the downward movement of water through the soil.
Even arresting its leaders failed to slow the movement, instead giving them a new audience in the courts of the nation.
They shelter countless species, anchor the soil, and slow the movement of water.
Soluble fibers tend to slow the movement of food through the system.
Nor is there any expectation that the crisis will slow the movement to deregulate further.
This slows the movement of bowel matter through the intestines.
It works by slowing the movement of the intestines.
Rangers can also slow movement, 'root' a target to the ground and when fighting animals make them flee in fear.