I was a painfully slow and awkward pupil, and certainly worked two or three years before I made any perceptible improvement whatever.
Apart from that, the level of teaching is not being dumbed down by the slowest pupils in a class.
"Yes, it is, Commissioner," Kirk replied, disliking the way he addressed Spock like a slow pupil, but keeping his own tone quiet and civil.
It's called barking," she explained, like a kindly kindergarten teacher correcting a slow pupil.
"You're a very slow pupil, Grizz."
Hilda Brandt chided Bat, like a teacher disappointed by a slow pupil.
"It is the federal Government that can build airports," Mr. Udofia said with the indulgent air of a teacher instructing a slow pupil.
He nodded, patient as an instructor with a slow pupil.
"That's more like it," saidLilith , smiling on Merlin like a teacher with a slow pupil.
It hinted at a schoolmaster with a pupil somewhat slow.