It was a way of reciting in voice, with relatively slow and long tones.
The Thing started to speak in the low, slow tones of human speech.
Then, the slow deep tones of the bass followed, joined by the viola.
His tone, slow and deliberate, was one that gave an impression of either doubt or fear.
"I am to leave before eight o'clock," he said, in slow tones.
The man at the other end of the line was silent for a minute, then said in slow, careful tones, "There might be a way.
He was the one who answered, in a slow, monotonous tone.
"We are trying to do something for the people," Gen said, keeping his tone deliberate and slow.
While he talked in a slow, humorous tone, she kept her little smile.
When the laughter died, the other spoke in slow, deep tones.