Mr. Viola fills entire darkened galleries with video images of birth, death and mortality: flickering lights, slow-motion scenes, rotating screens, sounds of rushing water.
On fast-motion scenes, a variable bitrate uses more bits than it does on slow-motion scenes of similar duration, yet achieves a consistent visual quality.
The slow-motion scene was gaining rapidly.
Boyle exited the car, gun working, tongues of orange fire stabbing into the dark, but it was like a slow-motion scene in a movie.
It's not just that slow-motion scenes of the ambulance gliding past people beating one another up feel like déjà vu .
Behind him a videotape loop ran on a television, repeatedly showing a slow-motion scene of Israeli soldiers clubbing Palestinians in a crowd.
It also makes the video stream usable for framerate conversion, and creating slow-motion scenes from streams taken at standard video/TV frame rates, e.g. using cheap consumer camcorders.
But she manages in one four-minute, slow-motion scene to unfold into a voluptuous, confident woman.
Memory gave it to him as a wordless, echoing yell, a soundtrack to the slow-motion scene playing before him.
Chapter 40 We all turned to the bed like a slow-motion scene from a movie.