The bucket moved on the rollers, and all that happened in the next two or three seconds appeared to her as if in a slow-motion sequence.
This group work abounded with anxious-looking slow-motion sequences that kept bursting into violence.
It happened like a slow-motion sequence in a movie, or a dream.
There is a slow-motion sequence, and there are Charlie Chaplin walks.
If all the slow-motion sequences in "Perfectly Normal" were played at the conventional speed, its running time might be reduced by one-third.
Three sounds, in a slow-motion sequence, each giving the effect that another was to come, until the third struck a final note.
The visual effects and slow-motion sequences induced by Slo-Mo received consistent praise.
And then, at last, in a weird slow-motion sequence, the ankles slowly unlocked and he fell from sight.
In light of its original use, the song is often used for slow-motion sequences and parodies of the sports genre.
There has already been a dreamy, slow-motion pre-credit sequence set in a Houston hospital's operating room.