Hard to believe this slow-moving, slow-talking man ever fought.
The slow-moving man passed the telephone box again, " looking behind him twice in the next fifteen seconds.
Our teacher that year was a slow-moving, gentle man who had an even temper except for rare outbursts of anger at the stupid ones.
Men who did not know Griffin would see a ponderous, powerful, slow-moving man: a humble wagon-master.
He shoved the slow-moving man back in the direction of Ware's house.
Jake himself, a slow-moving, stocky man in his early fifties, had struck Jim as knowing his way around car motors.
He was a large, slow-moving man with bushy grey eyebrows and dandruff on his shoulders.
He was a big man, tall and broad and slow-moving.
Garville was a huge man, slow-moving and slow-talking.
Cardinal Vezza, who was a large, slow-moving man, struggled forward in his chair.