Then, out in the deeper, slow-moving water, we saw this yellow helmet bob up.
It is a submerged aquatic plant, and grows in still or slow-moving water.
It needs a supply of cool, slow-moving water and strong light.
It grows as a marginal plant in up to about 15cm of still or slow-moving water.
The deep, slow-moving water generally has a bottom of silt, sand, or small gravel.
So called because common in slow-moving waters where pickerel are often found.
Even this early, heat shimmered in the air and mist rose from the slow-moving water.
They are usually found in slow-moving water where vegetation along the river bank provides a good amount of edge cover.
He stared down at the slow-moving water, seeing a vague, bearded reflection.
Eastern mosquitofish live in areas with slow-moving water and free of large, floating plant life.